A prominent Japanese neurological research fellow in San Francisco wanted to be certain she was getting the answers she needed from her English-speaking emergency room patients.
After some deep digging into various hypothetical scenarios, one potential challenge involved verb-tense choices. The doctor intended to ask this very specific question: "How long have you been having these symptoms?" But, her first instinct was to word the question like this: "How long do you have these symptoms?" These are two very different questions.
After such wording issues were preemptively identified and solved, the doctor could converse much more confidently and precisely with her English-speaking patients about their symptoms and their medical care.
An Argentinean executive at Dow Chemical was being considered for the CFO position with an Italian mining company’s operation on the African continent. From his home base in Buenos Aires, he had six weeks to prepare for a series of in-person interviews in English, including creation of his CV and talking points.
The six weeks of preparations required the two of us to take a deep dive into the client’s full professional history, followed by the detailed construction of a new CV that highlighted his skills and accomplishments in ways that he had not discovered before. I also helped the client create a script for the English answers to the interview question that we brainstormed -- answers that he could memorize and modify as needed. (Yes, he got the job.)
A tech support manager was responsible for decommissioning a group of unexpectedly faulty servers. The servers’ main tenants were overseas executives, who were to be notified on short notice that their data had to be migrated in just a few days' time. The situation was further impacted by the fact that the executives spoke English as their second language, and the English-speaking support manager did not speak the executives' primary language.
With my help, the support manager created a group email notification with clear and concise wording that could be understood by non-native English speakers. The carefully worded/organized notification included information about the reason for the decommissioning, and instructions for the exact steps to be completed before the mandatory shutdown deadline.
All of the overseas executives successfully migrated any data that they wanted to retain before the servers were permanently shut down.